GGE6022 knowledge

Lesson Plan: Dynamic Ocean Topography

Topic/Overview Dynamic Ocean Topography (DOT), also known as Mean Dynamic Topography Assumed background understanding of ocean geophysics, including tides and currents, and understanding of geodesy, especially difference between ellipsoid and geoid representations of earth Lesson Objectives Students will be able to… Explain what DOT is, and the driving forces of DOT Derive DOT from tidal …

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and other ramblings feminism knowledge

Response to Op-Ed in the Badger Herald: ‘Rape culture’ does not exist

I would welcome a legitimate debate on a concept well established and defined in the peer reviewed literature. But don’t bother reading this piece from the Badger Herald which tries to refute the whole discussion with 629 words. If the comments section is to be believed the piece’s aim is to prompt lively debate. The piece of …

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and other ramblings knowledge

Republicans block science laureate vote over climate change stance fear |

This is so ridiculous I just have to laugh. It seemed entirely harmless: the creation of an honorary and unpaid position of science laureate of the United States to travel around the country and inspire children to be future scientists. But Republicans in Congress last week quashed the initiative, which had gained rare bipartisan support, …

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and other ramblings knowledge technology

Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster — from scratch | Video on

I really appreciate this project and the dialogue that has surrounded it. The best reactions are the people posing the very questions that the project illustrates who then suggest it’s a waste of time or “self indulgent art.” Without directly asking questions about modern civilization the project very clearly illustrates how specialized nearly every facet …

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and other ramblings knowledge

White Women Teaching White Women about White Privilege, Race Cognizance and Social Action: toward…

In the process of researching bus sitting behavior and male privilege I stumbled on this paper which I found very interesting. The authors suggest that even in an academic environment where there is a presumption of openness, educating people about their privilege is a challenging task. “Three themes emerged from our analysis of our stories …

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GPS Design Changes Will Add Waveform Generator, Dual-Launch Capability, and More | Inside GNSS

My GPS nerdling just got super excited. The new GPS satellite design will included a programmable waveform generator, which means the new satellites will be able to take advantage of any future updates to GPS signals even after the launch. Since the realization of the current GPS constellation several new GPS signals have been designed …

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Exoplanet Visualization Contest

Exoplanet Visualization Contest! $1500 in prizes for the most creative and inspiring visualization of real exoplanet data. Deadline May 1st.Exoplanet Visualization Contest Extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, are planets beyond our own Solar System. With the prospect of finding potentially habitable planets, this is one of the most exciting scientific areas of the 21st century. Space …

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and other ramblings knowledge

A planoterrestrialist perspective of the Bellingham mystery tortillas

Recently in Bellingham Washington there has been a spat of tortilla graffiti. Yes, tortilla graffiti. Some person or group has been distributing tortillas in zip-lock bags with various non-repeating messages. They have been found taped to street signs, parking meters, and business windows. Nearly 50 of these tortillas have been documented by the ad-hoc enthusiast …

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