
UPDATE: Farrell apologizes for pro-Westboro Facebook post

So, I was pretty sure this was satire of satire… but no. Maricopa, Arizona vice mayor Edward Farrell praised the Onion obituary of Fred Phelps. Then after mentioning he has “many, many” gay and lesbian friends recanted his statements explaining “If you read the article, it mentions nothing about him being anti military, which by the way, I support our troops 100%” “All the article mentions is how this guy fought against Gay rights” “What just irritates me the most is when these 10% want to change the law through the constitution”

Are you serious??? You have gay friends but you take issue with them using the constitution to defend their rights as a minority???

Oh, because it’s “the constitution that our founding fathers made before us with the fear of God in all of their hearts, souls, and minds while making these laws….”
UPDATE: Farrell apologizes for pro-Westboro Facebook post

Vice mayor Ed Farrell explained his controversial Facebook post on Tuesday, saying he had no idea who Fred Phelps was or that the obituary Farrell posted was a fake piece from The Onion.

cross-posted on Facebook