The Racist and Sexist History of Keeping Birth Control Side Effects Secret A 2016 study sheds light on the alarming relationship between hormonal birth control and depression. But the findings are only the latest in a long line of battles between women and their doctors over accurate information. cross-posted on Facebook
#StationUtrechtCentraal #NS
Got a festive 3D photo at the train station after some glühwein at the holiday festival Knus.#StationUtrechtCentraal #NS cross-posted on Facebook
What These Medical Journals Don’t Reveal: Top Doctors’ Ties to Industry
What These Medical Journals Don’t Reveal: Top Doctors’ Ties to Industry Academic research publications rely on doctors to voluntarily disclose their payments from drug and health companies in a lax reporting system some say is broken. cross-posted on Facebook
‘Make better choices’: Endangered Hawaiian monk seals keep getting eels stuck up their noses and scientists want them to stop
Perhaps, he said, a cornered eel decided that the only way to escape or defend itself was to swim up its attacker’s nostril, and young seals who are “not very adept at getting their food yet” were forced to learn a tough lesson. But Littnan said that theory doesn’t make much sense. “They’re really quite …
How would the story of Harry Potter be different if he had been sorted into Slytherin?
This somehow *just* struck me, and of course the internet has been thinking about this for awhile.How would the story of Harry Potter be different if he had been sorted into Slytherin? Answer (1 of 24): Let’s see how the story would have panned out. Here are two scenarios – 1. Harry’s a Slytherin but …
LordBoogzor on Twitter
This high-five! #marslandingLordBoogzor on Twitter “#highfive #InSight #MarsLanding @NASA @NASAInSight @NASAJPL” cross-posted on Facebook
Mission Control Live: NASA InSight Mars Landing
Live broadcast starting in a couple minutes!Mission Control Live: NASA InSight Mars Landing See inside mission control at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as signals return from the InSight mission as it lands on Mars. Landing commentary includes in… cross-posted on Facebook
U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy
U.S. Climate Report Warns of Damaged Environment and Shrinking Economy Without major action to rein in global warming, the American economy could lose 10 percent of G.D.P. by 2100, according to a report from 13 federal agencies. cross-posted on Facebook
Why the Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous
“Race is difficult to count because, unlike income or employment, it is a social category that shifts with changes in culture, immigration, and ideas about genetics. So who counts as white has changed over time.”Why the Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous The idea of white demographic decline has become an object …
On the Media
On the Media What we’re reading: cross-posted on Facebook
BBC Earth
BBC Earth Getting home after a long day and… #Dynasties cross-posted on Facebook
NowThis Politics
NowThis Politics ‘If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay.’ — Lindsey Graham in 2017 cross-posted on Facebook
On the Media
On the Media What we’re reading: cross-posted on Facebook
BBC Comedy
BBC Comedy Yeah, but where are you REALLY from? Via (BBC Three) cross-posted on Facebook
I’m at Café Derat
Café Derat Checked in at: November 03, 2018 at 08:08PM
NPR The ship has been dated to roughly 400 B.C., plying the waves in the days of Plato. Since then, it has sat at a depth more than double the height of the world’s tallest skyscraper. cross-posted on Facebook
Friend in Too Deep With Ironic Flat Earth Facebook Group
Hits a little too close to home…Friend in Too Deep With Ironic Flat Earth Facebook Group A local man is suspected of going from ironic enjoyment of the “Flat Earth or Death” Facebook group, to a very genuine belief that the Earth is flat. cross-posted on Facebook
Senator Warren takes the test
Good discussion about the difference between identity and DNA.Senator Warren takes the test DNA testing is becoming increasingly widespread; in this instance, it’s being used to bolster political bona fides and has sparked discussions about whether genes have anything to do with identity. cross-posted on Facebook
Between the Scenes
Between the Scenes Trump’s greatest weapon is his ability to wield victimhood, and he’s taking full advantage of it to defend Kavanaugh and undermine the #MeToo movement. cross-posted on Facebook
Using Logic In A Maddening World
I appreciated this segment from last week’s Science Friday. They talked with an abstract mathematician about very concrete current events, specifically the logical and moral failure in prioritizing an “inocent until proven guilty” stance with respect statements of assault and rape. And discussed with a caller why emotions do not negate logic.Using Logic In A …