Women Are Not Better at Multitasking. They Just Do More Work, Studies Show Multitasking has traditionally been perceived as a woman’s domain. A woman, particularly one with children, will routinely be juggling a job and running a household – in itself a frantic mix of kids’ lunch boxes, housework, and organising appointme cross-posted on Facebook
On the Origin of Certain Quotable ‘African Proverbs’
Saw an unattributed quote and was curious about it. Second hit in my google bubble is a discussion of the gross “Noble Savage” type of attribution that is “~African Proverb” What the heck would it mean to say “European Proverb”? Which of the numerous cultural traditions are we talking about? Europe is a little more …
Earth Stopped Getting Greener 20 Years Ago
Earth Stopped Getting Greener 20 Years Ago Declining plant growth is linked toward decreasing air moisture tied to global warming cross-posted on Facebook
Sad remains of Iceland’s first dead glacier seen in satellite images
Sad remains of Iceland’s first dead glacier seen in satellite images “The condition of the glaciers is getting poorer and poorer.” cross-posted on Facebook
‘There’s a real need for the good in the world to be reported’ – Positive News
“The negativity bias in the media is holding society back. While it’s important to report problems and hold power to account, we believe there is also a need for rigorous reporting on progress, possibility and solutions. We call this ‘constructive journalism’, and to keep doing it we need your help.” Having been exposed to constructive …
Museum shrouds endangered wildlife exhibits in mourning veil
Museum shrouds endangered wildlife exhibits in mourning veil Bristol Museum to highlight biodiversity crisis after children demand true stories of exhibits cross-posted on Facebook
New Regulation Requires All Protected Species To Be Actively Looking For New Habitat In Order To Receive Funding
New Regulation Requires All Protected Species To Be Actively Looking For New Habitat In Order To Receive Funding WASHINGTON—In an attempt to ensure the federal benefit program is not taken advantage of, a new regulation announced Tuesday will require all organisms facing extinction to actively search for a new habitat in order to receive funding …
Trump Administration Guts Endangered Species Act
Trump Administration Guts Endangered Species Act cross-posted on Facebook
Rare tornadoes in Europe caught on video – CNN Video
My welcome back to the Netherlands. The landing was a little bumpy…Rare tornadoes in Europe caught on video – CNN Video A tornado ripped through the city center of Amsterdam and was captured on video. It picked up debris and flew over a river. Another tornado was also captured on video in Luxembourg. cross-posted on …
American With No Medical Training Ran Center For Malnourished Ugandan Kids. 105 Died
American With No Medical Training Ran Center For Malnourished Ugandan Kids. 105 Died When she was 19, Renee Bach founded a charity that went on to care for over 900 severely malnourished babies and children, Now she is being sued by two of the mothers whose children died. cross-posted on Facebook
To Get A Gun License, First You Have To Plant 10 Trees
“Gun licenses in India are already subject to stringent regulations. To apply, you need to pay a modest fee of $7-$30 and furnish a certificate of proof that you’ve completed a course in firearm handling and safety. You also need to provide a health certificate establishing your physical and mental health along with tax returns …
Trump said people with mental illness should be ‘involuntarily confined’ if necessary to prevent mass shootings, despite research showing a lack of connection between mental illness and gun violence
“If necessary” is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Somehow we the people of the USA through our representative government keep finding it necessary to abuse human rights. There is no reasonableness to this proposal, only a further eroding of what values we had.Trump said people with mental illness should be ‘involuntarily confined’ if necessary to …
#doubledeckerbus #doubledecker #timelapse cross-posted on Facebook
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‘We’ve been there’: Native Americans remember their own family separations
‘We’ve been there’: Native Americans remember their own family separations It was the mid-1920s when Connie Reitman’s mother heard a knock on the door. A US official was there to inform her family that she would need to go to school hundreds of miles away. cross-posted on Facebook
Vietnam Veteran’s Remains Flown Home By His Son
We love celebrating heros. And they deserve it. But we’re quick to brush under the rug the full cost of war and a society that supports all its people. “Knight’s welcome home ceremony stands in contrast to the conditions of the U.S.’s fewer than 850,000 living Vietnam veterans, many of whom still suffer from the …
BBC Earth
BBC Earth The ‘play bow’ performed by dogs to stop aggressive behaviour 🐶 WARNING: cute videos of dog play fighting in slow motion… ☺️ BBC Two cross-posted on Facebook
Dear Disgruntled White Plantation Visitors, Sit Down.
Really great read.Dear Disgruntled White Plantation Visitors, Sit Down. Dear Disgruntled White Plantation Visitors, Hi! My name is Michael W. Twitty and I’m one of those interpreters who has watched you squirm or run away. I’m not a reenactor, because G-d f… cross-posted on Facebook
Ancient Ruins Older Than The Pyramids Discovered In Canada
Ancient Ruins Older Than The Pyramids Discovered In Canada A researcher at the site said, “I remember when we got the dates back, and we just sat back and said ‘Holy moly, this is old.’” cross-posted on Facebook
How the Plastics Industry Is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World
How the Plastics Industry Is Fighting to Keep Polluting the World Pushes to “recycle” plastics are one element of a massive, industry-led effort to suppress meaningful efforts to reduce plastic waste. cross-posted on Facebook