
xkcd: Duty Calls

I’m in one of these moods. Usually, I can skim comments sections and skip the blather, but when there are only three comments on an article hiding in some corner of the internet where they all agree and they’re wrong… who else is going to tell them they’re wrong I ask you!? I feel duty …

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Picaroons Traditional Ales Silver Wave Film Festival ‘Films on Tap’ Contest Winner

Chompsky Nom’s acceptance speech for the ‘Films on Tap’ award for “Bewing Bromance” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRgqdiH3dQw) You’ll note the reference to “…Weston is the magical huge beard” at around 15 seconds.Picaroons Traditional Ales Silver Wave Film Festival ‘Films on Tap’ Contest Winner Picaroons Traditional Ales Silver Wave Film Festival ‘Films on Tap’ Contest Winner for 2013 ($500 …

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The Novel Consequences of Honesty

Just listened to this segment on Dinner Party Download about “radical honesty.” I definitely agreed with the points made by Sam Harris.The Novel Consequences of Honesty Neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris’ new book explores his twenty year experiment in ‘radical honesty’ and discusses how even casual lying undermines human relationships. cross-posted on Facebook

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