
Fox News

“We will have so much winning if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning.”Fox News “We are led by very, very stupid people… We will have so much winning if I get elected, that you may get bored with winning.” – Donald J. Trump at the anti-Iran deal rally today MORE: http://bit.ly/1OzChhY …

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The White House

Obama is in Kotzebue! One of my last big surveys with the NOAA Ship Fairweather was to survey the approach and offshore areas of Kotzebue.The White House “Everybody who has a chance to come up here will marvel at the incredible natural beauty of the state of Alaska, but the reason we’re here in particular …

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Sen. Rand Paul Highlights Thousands of Taxpayer Dollars Spent on Premium Satellite TV for NOAA…

Grasping at straws. I thought this was a joke at first. There is zero context provided just “waste!” “premium satellite!” “They only are at sea 3 weeks!” “The military can do it with 6 stations!” This is particularly offensive because we regularly had discussion about how we were using resources, and whether it was an …

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An Open Letter to Ann Coulter

“Come on Ms. Coulter, you aren’t dumb and you aren’t shallow. So why are you continually using a word like the R-word as an insult? I’m a 30 year old man with Down syndrome who has struggled with the public’s perception that an intellectual disability means that I am dumb and shallow. […] being compared …

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Robert Reich

I watch the full documentary recently, but this hits all the points. Robert Reich is a former Secretary of Labor and Professor of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. If you want to learn more look into one of his numerous books on the topic, or the documentary “Inequality for All” which is even on Netflix….Robert …

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