Renowned Hungarian Scientist, Inventor Of The “Kálmán filter” Rudolf Kálmán Dies Aged 86 -… World-famous Hungarian-American engineer and mathematican Rudolf Kálmán passed away last Saturday, news agency MTI reported. cross-posted on Facebook
Category: Uncategorized
Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus
Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus The Pokemon GO Plus accessory can be used with any compatible smart phone that has the Pokemon GO application installed. After the Pokemon GO Plus is paired via Bluetooth LE and a brief setup process is completed, players can encounter and catch Pokemon like never before. When the smart phone wit… …
Happy birds!NPR Jim Perdue says there’s a simple motivation behind the new initiative: Consumers, especially millennials, “want to make sure that animals are raised in as caring a way as possible.” cross-posted on Facebook
Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions
Interesting read, and I felt really well focused in its point.Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western Establishment Institutions Elite media scorn for anti-establishment movements only vindicates their animating drives. cross-posted on Facebook
Requiem for the American Dream | Netflix
Worth a watch.Requiem for the American Dream | Netflix Den stora intellektuella ikonen Noam Chomsky redogör för hur huvuddelen av USA:s rikedomar och inflytande har flyttats över till några få. cross-posted on Facebook
From Charleston to Orlando, There’s Another Culprit Behind Mass Shootings
“But we’re not often inclined to implicate another common thread that connects Mateen to other mass shootings: toxic masculinity, a nefarious permutation of male gender stereotypes at their worst — one that centers on men’s need to maintain dominance, and to take action against weakness or femininity.”From Charleston to Orlando, There’s Another Culprit Behind Mass …
Mashable Video
The backstory of DonaldTrumpHasTinyHands.comMashable Video From our friends at an interview on the truth cross-posted on Facebook
Americans Against Insecure Billionaires With Tiny Hands PAC
The struggle is real.Americans Against Insecure Billionaires With Tiny Hands PAC cross-posted on Facebook
John Oliver – Orlando Shooting
John Oliver – Orlando Shooting John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight on HBO cross-posted on Facebook
The Lobster
Anna and I are going to the 6:15 showing at the pickford tonight. Anyone want to join?The Lobster » The Lobster | more than movies cross-posted on Facebook
AIDAprima Cruise Ship : Full Construction Time-lapse by MKtimelapse
Watching a ship get made this way feels like a big lego project.AIDAprima Cruise Ship : Full Construction Time-lapse by MKtimelapse AIDAprima is a cruise ship being built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) for the German cruise operator AIDA Cruises. MHI was awarded a contract to build … cross-posted on Facebook
It’s time to admit Hillary Clinton is an extraordinarily talented politician
It’s time to admit Hillary Clinton is an extraordinarily talented politician Hillary Clinton has achieved something remarkable, and it’s worth being clear about how. cross-posted on Facebook
Port of Bellingham
Port of Bellingham cross-posted on Facebook
Free Fishing Weekend! | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Chris RenoudFree Fishing Weekend! | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife “Free Fishing Weekend” is June 11-12, 2016, when fishing licenses are not required of anyone to fish in Washington. Free Fishing Weekend in Washington is always the first weekend after the first Monday in June. cross-posted on Facebook
MSNBC on Twitter
MSNBC on Twitter “Clinton: When Trump says let’s make America great again, “that is code for, let’s take America backwards”” cross-posted on Facebook
Hydro International
I’m glad to see someone making good use of the name.Hydro International Boaty McBoatface Goes Virtual! Boaty McBoatface will set sail from Southampton today thanks to an initiative from international maritime charity Sailors’ Society and vessel tracking website MarineTraffic. cross-posted on Facebook
WHO | Gender and Genetics
In case you needed a good reference to explain it’s not as simple as XX/XY when it comes to sex determination and differentiation. Like a *LOT* less simple! I thought I knew something about it before reading this.WHO | Gender and Genetics Humans are born with 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. The X and Y …
Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men
“Surprisingly, our results show that women’s contributions tend to be accepted more often than men’s. However, when a woman’s gender is identifiable, they are rejected more often. Our results suggest that although women on GitHub may be more competent overall, bias against them exists nonetheless.”Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus …
Why you should be suspicious of simple stories
Why you should be suspicious of simple stories Tyler Cowen asks us to step away from thinking of our lives — and our messy, complicated world — in terms of a simple narrative. cross-posted on Facebook
Here’s The Powerful Letter The Stanford Victim Read To Her Attacker
Here’s The Powerful Letter The Stanford Victim Read To Her Attacker A former Stanford swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious women was sentenced to six months in jail because a longer sentence would have “a severe impact on him,” according to a jud… cross-posted on Facebook